Time : 8.40 pm
Hello again! I had cooled down, and decided to blog about the chalet, since KoonAnn requested to see. (:
Day 1 - 13/05/2005
I woke up kinda early, I think. KoonAnn accompanied me to my dental appointment. :D We went over to his house to get stuff after that. Cool! hahaa. Their (Koon ann/pheng) rooms are so postery! lol. We went to the chalet after that, to see a rather annoyed AikChun there. There are not much kind souls around ya. No one wanted to help us book in, except for a nice girl. She's pretty because she helped me. :D Kind souls are pretty and handsome.
Finally booked in and I ran up to the room the first thing. The room!
The super comfortable beds. (and where i spend most time at. =x)
Awww ~ Our very own chalet! So nice. The people who came on the first day rocks. (: They forked out alot more money than they actually needed to help me out. Really touched, okay. Now I know who are my true true friends/classmates. (: KoonAnn, JunKai, AikChun, WeiZhen, KokHong, Rakcent. Thank you. (:
We had Swensens at White Sands for dinner. Eartherquakes! Really yummy. 3 to each earthquakes. hahaa. We went back and the band guys came along. They included KoonPheng, KianLoong, Darren and YuetYong. I hate my Mummy on that day miserably. I don't know her problem man.
The 4 of us (KoonAnn, AikChun, WeiZhen and me) had a drink at late night.
Absolute Vokda
The guys got tipsy, the gay slowly sipped through 1 cup of very diluted vodka while I got giddy after 2 cups. So lousy right. 2 cups for $18. Hell. This is worse than having a drink at a club. hahaa.. $9 for each cup okay! AikChun got really drunk and he spurted out some secrets, which he actually was very relutant to reveal. KoonAnn puked! >.< Day 2 - 14/05/2005
Rose and shone, and off we went to Parkway! We got the barbeque stuff and met KianLoong and KoonPheng there. KoonAnn and I went to meet Lecia to get the fried rice from her. Many thanks to Lecia! *BIG BIG HUG* I love you!
We went back to the chalet, and the others had arrived! Our chalet was kinda pathetic, because I think our class is the least cooperative and united in the whole. I started the fire going! WHEE. Please, guys. I started the first fire-starter one okay! I prepared the food too, with help from KoonAnn. (:
The teachers came along soon! I didn't know why, but I was really very bored. No one talk to me! Boohoo. hahaa. I slacked around alot in the room, 'cause I was too inferior to go down. hahaa. I chatted on the phone with CheeChai, until everyone started coming in and interupted our talk. Many apologies to CheeChai! (:
I had another drink that night to make my loss less. I really had a blissful sleep that night. First time sleep til so comfortable in a chalet. hahaa. The guys kept oogling at the girls next door ah! Tsktsk. =x We check out and had breakfast at the food court at Downtown East.
Day 3 - 15/05/2005
We were all uncertained of what to do after that. They intended to go WWW (Wild Wild Wet), but I had girl's problem, and they were not really keen. Finally settled for a movie! We went down to Tampines and caught Mr. and Mrs. Smith. A good flick. (: 4 out of 5 thumbs-up! Ben and jerry rocks. BERRY NICE! and freezing cold. My legs got numbed in the cold.
We went home after that. (: Lecia came over and we gonna have a sleepover! YEAH! But I'd be hitting the sack very soon. I need more sleep! I couldn't really sleep well on the first day. hahaa.
I am so bloody irritated by those spam messages in MSN. I know, it's not the users' fault, they are just.. absent-minded at that moment when they clicked on the links. But the messages are so bothering me! ARGH. So, children.. Never NEVER go click on those spam links you see in MSN ok?
Just some pictures for entertainment. (:
Rakcent's injured arm
Me and Rakcent
I am so tired, I feel like crying.
HAHAHA. I am only kidding. Someone took that picture of me without my consent.
KoonAnn and me
Let's play a game!!
I am too lazy to crop the picture to make it clearer and brighter, but heck. I don't even know who that was. LOL.
The next picture too.. :
Help.. anyone?
This post is extremely long, and I am so relived that my computer never hang. Or less, I willr eally throw my computer away. lol. I will be having Maths remedial tomorrow, and.. will be going out with CheeChai too! (: Whee ~ Lecia need the computer already, I think. She had to hang in some stuff to Ms. Cheong by midnight. hahaa.
See ya guys soon!
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
mercredi, juin 15, 2005
4i Chalet. (:
The feeling was so surreal. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to feel.
I just want to fall to pieces.
Publié par
6/15/2005 08:35:00 PM
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