Time : 1.00 pm
I am sorry for the date changed. :D I was yawking on the phone and I forgot about my blog. lol.
Thanks alot to CheeChai Daddy (I don't know why he is so now. lol) for giving me a morning call, and I went over to Lecia's house to borrow camera from her. (: Amelia popped by too, and we had losta fun with the camera; taking a stupid video. hahaa.
Amelia and I left for town. [Teacup: thanks alot for accompanying me ah. For being there for me, for shopping with me, for making me laugh, for making fun of me, for.. everything! (:] We took neoprints! YEAH !! Veryvery cute. Shall post them up after dear Joyce scan. (:
I've got quite some stuff. I felt really.. like a *saint*. WHY, you may ask. I gave up my Adidas shorts, for a super cheap 37degrees one. What can you say? It is a big thing for a shopaholic material girl okay. And why in the world did I gave up my Adidas shorts? For the CHALET. BAH. For sure, I'll need to pay alot alot more for it. So, I might as well save up now. =
BIG sacrificial. My shorts ~~~ >.< *ahem* Never mind! Back to what I did. I got Ripples flipflops too. I was so surprised with the price. Bloody cheap for a pair of nice flipflops. I shall do a little advertising!
$9.90 only leh !!!
SUPER CHEAP OKAY! Plus it's kinda comfortable, for now. Since I hadn't try yet. hahaa.
MaaMeeMoo of Level 2 CiniLeisure. (:
*ahem* Back! Amelia went to meet Sarah while I went Novena Station to wait for Joyce. (: The station was in pretty green titles! Real cool. hahaa. (I am sorry. I am a mountain turtle. The only place in the North that I went was IMM. WHY? Because Energy had an autograph session there, like.. last year.) She came and we took a cab down to Mediacorp.
I hate all the bastards living never Mediacorp okay. Filthy rich, all of them! All of the residential estates there are gorgeous. There's even one which cause my eye, that looked like a castle! Serious! It had those cone-liked roof tops, a very nice foyer, glass patches around, and the gates looked so grand too.
We took some pictures outside the studio to prove that we went!
THE SATELITE! This is were all the magnetic.. SHIT. I forget. Thank God Mr. Sreeni don't read blogs. XD I can remember one! I remember got radio waves, mircowaves, infra-red, visible light, blahblah. This is where all the waves are transmitted to our tvs. Come, let's salute it together!
Another proof!
See the signboard behind me? It actually read," Andrew Road". But I guess it's not very visible. XD We went in and saw ShiJin! AHHH !! pretty pretty senior. (: We waited like hell. We were finally ushered to go in and got free Vitagen ! WOOT. A sponsor for the show lah. No wonder..
The studio was kinda cool. the crew was really friendly and all, you know. I had absolutely no idea a LIVE show was like this. XD See! I AM a mountain turtle.
I felt kinda bad. This was the like, 6/7 episode of the show and I had yet to catch any one of them. i am so guitly. I don't even know the starting theme was like that. Or that that girl in green was even an artiste. Oh well.. This just prove how often I am at home on Saturday nights.
The show wasn't bad. Energy was still as handsome as ever. I realised I was not just a CF (crazy fanatic) like what I used to be. I used to cry, jump around and scream "SHUWEI!!" until I turn sore, but i didn't do so. I even tried very very hard to shut Joyce up who almost spoilt my precious ears.
But heck. THEY ARE SO HANDSOME !! I love ShuWei's hair can! So handsome. And his shoes rocks too. HE IS STILL USING A METAL CHAIN! XD That's what I like about him; and I don't even know why. He looked soooo attractive with the metal chain. Now and then. XD *giggles*
My Bai Yi Tian Shi(s). hahaa. (They were in white, you see.) I still like NiuNai with his brown boyish hairstyle. *stiffens* Oh well.. I DIG THEIR NEW SONG! VERY! At least I can sing their songs okay, not like Joyce. =x Ai ni ai ni ai zhen hui ~~
Very nice. (:
What can I say?
You guys still keep me alive.
hahaa. I sound so corny. XD
ENERGY! ENERGY! I am so sorry. :( I couldn't afford to go for the autograph sessions. SHUWEI!! I know you will miss me. =x I still can't forget that I said "Wo Ai Ni" to you. XD What was I thinking?? 4 autographed CDs and 1 autographed poster. Maybe this is more than enough for me to remember you guys.
And oooh.. A concert too! But I wanna go for this recent one! *sigh* No money. :( Really saddening. Everything was passive because of money. AHHH..
ENERGY! You guys still rocks. :D

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