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    jeudi, juin 23, 2005


    Time : 12.12 am

    The OH-MY-GOD sale of Mango!

    Are you ready, girls?

    Mango will start business island-wide at 8.30 am! *gasp*

    Have all your purses, money, cards ready, ladies! Be ready to rock Mango off! :)

    Sales leh. Must go ah.. *kiasu mindset* The earlier the better.. then can find your size.. *start blabbering*

    I hope I'd be able to find something in Mango tomorrow! (But I have no cash. :()

    Sales !!

    What are the qualifications for a Mango card? I wanna apply for one.. :) It's so pretty, and 5% off! *my eyes glitters* Can someone please tell me??

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