Time : 11.31 pm
This came in real late. Life was hectic yesterday, such that I only return home this morning (12 am ++ lah.)! So here's everything in a nutshell for me. It's kinda draggy with the hell lots of photos. Hell to you if I eats up your bandwidth, get broadband! :D
My vision every morning. And I took this on the very last school morning (SHIT. I'm feeling wet by the mention of no more schooldays.). Nice Mr Feefee drives Amelia, Huixian, Shawn and me to school without fail. I am really thankful for his gesture. :)
Joyce and me during Chinese.
This is Cheechai's VIRGIN shot with someone else in school. I AM SO HONOURED!!
I put on the school tie with much help from my Chinese classmates.
I became an instant MANJUSRI PREFECT!
Amelia and me.
Huixian and me.
Kianloong and me.
Waiyi and me.
Yonghan and me.
Awful Patrick and me.. so we took another one!
My Stefanie and me. I got so miserable when Stefanie started crying, because she'd see less of us, and I started sobbing along. :'( Stefanie: Rest assure we'd have a lot a lot a lot of outings alright? :)
I got upset when I saw everyone taking photos with Cheechai and I insisted for another one. :D
Papers, once again. :)
I have to admit all of us have gorgous legs. WOOT!
BaRnana and BaRlulu.
The general formula (I like to call it the "X-Rule") that I copied for 112 times. It was actually a punishment for doing a Maths question involving the X-rule wrongly. I was writing it neatly and when I finally finished it, Mr Fahmy said," Good. Now keep it as a sovenior."
I was like,"!!! You don't want ah! I write so nice leh!"
Mr Fahmy is so cute. He actually took of 1 mark (which makes a grade difference) from Junkai's paper because he wrote like this:
1 + 7.852134697256 = 8.2153468751264 (It's wrong, but you get the idea.)
Us with the Sec 3 people. Huiru shocked my pretty badly whenn she cried as she knew we were leaving the school. Damn. Don't talk about this anymore. I'm feeling weird inside..
Nice Ms Tay and the 3 of us.
This is rather candid. None of them were prepared, except for me. See how Mr. Gui shun away from Ms Tay! Haha.
(Still shunnung away. =x) Us with the PINKY couple!
Junkai and Cheechai acting cute.
:) I know deep inside, Junkai loves me doing that face, despite all the time he look deeply into my eyes and say," Don't. ever do that again."
Aikchun and me. Shhh.. Someone's girlfriend will get jealous if she knew I gave Aikchun a hug (Everyone else had one too. :')). =x I'd miss his girlfriend rolling her eyes at me.
Emmerson (1st album de Wilber Pan Wei Bo!) and me.
Chinese lesson pals. :)
Jiayang and me.
2f 2003. :) I still love this class!
Aarti and me. My favourite cheater. Haha.
XiaoQing and I, after much bending and tip-toeing. Hahaha.
Sinrui and me.
Mrs Poh and me. To think in the past, she always catch me to go to the DC. Drats! Forget to take photo with Mrs Su. My "favourite" teacher in the past.
The 4I guys. >.<
Ms Tan giving her speech before giving out the chocolates. -.-
Kianchang and me. You should see his teeth. He was eating the Ferero Rocher and sticking them on his teeth. Totally disgusting.
Maggie and me.
Happy family! Mummy, sonny and Daddy. Haha.
Ms Tay's present from 4I. This thing took away my sleep. ~.~ oh, that;s a star from ms tay. So sweet of her. :')
Ms Ong. The cutest teacher on Earth. She was sooo sexy on Friday! HAHA.
Kelly and me.
It was soon after school and we were supposed to go Sweeyim's house right away!
Stuff crop up and Yonghan, Kerlyn and nice me stayed back for Meiqi's affairs. Haha. It was a letdown, since we just sat around and did nothing.
Nonetheless, I made better friends with Meiqi and Yunfang. Well, honestly, I believe we weren't on such great terms before. But just before I graduate, we talked, laughed and messed around. How nice to not bear any more grudges. :)
... Sweeyim putting on makeup on Jiayang. Only 3 words. I DON'T LIKE.
Ah gua for sale? $1.00 will do! He's cheap! Heh heh.
is in the air~ *sighs*
We played SlapJack and these are the losers. :(
Friends forever. :)
The end-product. (Proudly drawn up by Sweeyim and Jiayang.)
Us in the car!
And we went back to school for the Nite!
Messing around with 4G's flowers for Mrs Lim. [Disclaimer: Don't angry okay. I am sorry beforehand, if you're angry with us playing.]
Hao peng you!
The 3 guys I dig most. Haha.
Mr Fahmy and me. :)
Someone brought out a copy of 8Days (COVER: Joanne Peh in bikini). The guys went crazy and everyone snatched the book, trying to touch Joanne Peh. Pages were flipped frantically to the Cover Story. And at the count of 1, 2, 3, the guys steamed and went," WAHHH!"
Get the picture.
(Photo proudly took by Huiri.) Me on stage, shaking that so-called big shot. I wasn't listening to whatever advise he gave. Haha.
Ms Tay and me hugging. Although I don't like saying this, but we look like 2 bamboo sticks sticking together. Damn!
My class on stage. (I'm the one on the furthest right) I am not humble and I think we are the best co-ordinated class on that day. We jumped around, clapped, screamed, shieked, yelled, shouted, stood on chairs, stomp our foot whenever there is a mention of our class and Ms Tay.
Junkai did the best thing ever as a monitor. He snatched the mic from the mecee and yelled out salutations to Ms Tay, leading all of us to say," WE LOVE YOU, MS TAY!"
I love my class so much.
Swan Chiu and me. She just keep crying can. Haha.
Szekeng and me.
Ms Tan and me.
I went around hugging people, giving some guys quite a shock (I am sorry if I took away your virgin hug ah.). Many people sobbed, and I joined in when Kelly hugged my while crying. After that, my tap just keep flowing already. Haha. I can't belived I cried, stopped, cried, stopped and all all the way to the Aljunied bus-stop. Damn.
After all these years..
At the end of 2f'03..
I cursed the school for making 2f spilt at our end of 2 years being together.
I was so sad when I heard that I am the only one from my clique to go to 3I 2004.
I was traumatized.
I was so sad in class.
My lonely days.
I spent the 1st half of the year beng kinda like a loner.
We changed places and I sat next to Sinrui and I became abit more of an extrovert.
I can still remember the times Koonann and Weizhen would throw paper stones (outta Readers' Digest) and throw ALL at me.
Someone got hold of the news that I am being called Konglong by everyone else, and hence, everyone knew that I am Konglong.
I would always join the 2i'03 gang and play and tease one another.
2005, we changed our form teacher to Ms Tay and every other teacher except for Ms Tan.
Things went really well for me. I thought I could never be happier.
After Term 1, Ms Tay made us sit according to our results.
Soon, we became the best of friends.
Koonann, Junkai Aarti, Aikchun and me.
We'd talked to each other, ignoring the teachers.
You know, fight here and there.
June holidays.
We had our first ever 4I chalet.
It were the most enjoyable days I ever had. Seriously.
We came back and had block test.
My life became dull and gloomy.
I was like, :( throughout.
And now.. It's our Graduation.
I never enjoyed lessons, nor the fights I witness.
I useda hate this class like crazy.
Throughout the 2 years, I get to know more about each and everyone of you. I loved and many more.
But now.. I just wanna embrace everyone.
And just let you guys know how I feel.
I LOVE 4I 2005.
I really never thought I'd say this, but these 2 years are what that actually makes up my memory of my secondary school life. It is you guys who actually make my memory more memorable. It is you guys that I love most.
Thank you for being my classmate.
*curtain rolls*
The end of my secondary school life in Manjusri Secondary School.
I'd miss the whole lot of you.
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
samedi, octobre 15, 2005
Class of 2005
Publié par
10/15/2005 11:30:00 PM
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