Time : 11.17 pm
Joyce Koh Ee Chuen

My kai xing gou! :) Joyce is forever cheery and giggly. No matter how you dig or taunt her, she'd laugh it off in her erm..

Joyce is also ultra-friendly. Everyone's a friend to her, as long as you don't carry a parang around. And one more thing, Joyce is super horny. -.- It disgusted me the way she blow kisses at everyone, NOT! Haha. Alright, it's Joyce. If Joyce's not like that, perhaps I'd throw icy water on her with the thought of waking her up.

Joyce is very thick-skinned too! Shamelessly claimed herself, Kunda-sao, Liyang-sao, (and if she's watching Full House now) Rain-sao, aiya.. just any yandao's sao correct already. And she has largest among of ambition I known of. Nurse, cook, chef, maid..

My dear friend here has a tad' bit problem with juggling her studies, friends and classmates. I guess she's too well-liked by everyone? Nobody can actually resist her! Haha. (I think Joyce's flying now. I never sing praises about her before.) I am sure without peer pressure from all of us, she'd do better in her academic results. :)

And Joyce has such nice handwriting that I am freaking jealous. Haha.

I love Joyce-days! I don't know why but on that day when we celebrate Joyce's birthday with her, for 2 consecutive years, we get to ogle at pretty boys! It always happens on her birthday. Damn! If only Joyce-days happens like, 7 times a week!

And Joyce is growing up already. :) From jeans and tee, to skirts and tee, to shorter skirts andd mroe revealing clothes! *wolf-whistles*
Thank you for being sucha great pal, helping to draw up studd when I needed, tolerating my bad moods, cheering me up, being so silly, always there to lend me a helping hand, lending me your shoulders, listening to my rantings, confiding in me with more personal stuff, trying to manage time between Papers and your classmates, shopping with me, being sucha great side-kick, eating recess with me, being my Joyce and reading this attentively. :)
This is getting very slip-shot, I just don't have the mood to blog recently. But I have to do this up for everyone. :) Cheers.
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