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    mercredi, octobre 26, 2005

    Dote me!

    Time : 10.58 pm

    I am not someone whom you'd fall in love with at the first sight.

    I am not Miss Popular back in my Secondary school days (*cough* I'm old!).

    I am not the student who aces in all her majority.

    I am the one you are bitching behind my back

    I am the one who gets into trouble in school because of what I blogs. Be it a "catfight", a cold war with a "gong shi gong pan" (Loosely translated, it means to put personal affairs, or rather hatred, beside while working.) teacher or tons of hatetags because of the photos I post up.

    I am the one who you shudder and whisper horsely," Bitch!" when you hears my name.

    I am the one who adores green and gold, and any other exortic colours.

    I am the one who throws nasty and bitchy comments when I dislike someone I know, without much consideration (of your feelings) and hesitation.

    I am considered a bimbo to some people. (Kenneth: HEM HEM! I am NOT the bimbo of 2005!)

    I am considered a child and a kid at heart to many.

    I am a poser to some people.

    I am the sort of: I see, I do person; to some people.

    I am the one who is never serious, even at times of crisis, which infuriates you.

    I am the one who can eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep for the whole day.

    I am the one who can walk around Orchard for the whole day, without any purchases and with much olging at guys, of course.

    I am the one who is still waiting for the right modelling opportunity (because I lost all the namecards I got when that bastard stole my bag).

    I am the one who cries in front of people other than my family members, when a old lady freaked me out for the first time.

    I am the one who loves complaining and complaining.

    I am the one you hated.

    But still..


    I am loved. :)

    People still brings Ben and Jerry pints of ice cream to my doorstep when I had a craving at midnight. [FYI: Jiayang]

    People also brings KFC to my house when I merely commented that I was hungry. [FYI: Siahmong]

    People also buys sweets and chocolates for me because I have a (extremely) sweet tooth.

    People do love me!

    They really do! *nods vigorously*


    ometimes, I am just so touched of certain actions my dear friends does. But I suck when it comes to expressing my feelings and that totally hinders what I tries to say!

    I have a roof above me, I have doting parents who gives me the rain and the moon, I have a maid to clean up after me, I have all the tech-toys I want (at certain moments), I have money enough to feed me, myself and a cat hamster (Cat food costs alot ah!), I have everything a girl could possibly ask for!

    Most important, I have my bitches to bitch with, I have my besties who are always around, I have great male friends who showers me with all the goodies I want, I have people to lean on if I am unhappy and I have people who cares for me. :)

    So what if I can't spell emmbarass embbrass embarass or diarrhiea diahea diarrhea! (I am totally kidding here.)


    Did I tell you just how much I am doted on?

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