Time : 2.08 pm
Stefanie Fong Man Yu

Well well well! Stefanie now! :) Stefanie is the childish-est person of our age. Haha. I guess it's maingly due to her family? It's tough not liking cartoons and singing along to cartoon themes when you have a 5 (or is it 7?) year old brother and a 1 year old sister! She's my spongebob and I'm her Patrick!
*ahem* Attention here! I am not childish. I am just.. young at heart!

Stefanie is also one of the fun-est person to be with. :) You know what I always hear from Stefanie's mouth? "Can you lend me your iPod?" Haha. So sad alright. :( That's what I heard from her the most.
Nah. I was just fooling around. But it was true. But Stefanie got her very own iPod Nano (*&^*%$!) now! iPod Mini shall sulks at one side. :')

I love what Stefanie wears all the time. :) I don't know how, but she just have a way to caryr her clothes well. Never went window-shopping with Stefanie yet, so I didn't see her fats before. BOO!

Also the youngest (and shortest =x) member of the Papers too. Stefanie is a very sensitive girl. :) She's aware, or maybe overly-optimistic when it comes to other people's talk. But yeah, that's what that makes Stefanie our Stefanie!

Stefanie is one of the few people I know who can pout their lips and make it into a :( face! I can never do something like that. :( My facial expression is very lousy lah.

And Stefanie has the cutest sister! *gushes*
P.S.: I ran out of photos. Sharks!
Thank you for telling me silly jokes, listening to the juicy gossips I got hold of, telling me about Big Boo Boo and all the ugly and dirty secrets about your classmates, trying to see more of me after school :P, introducing me to cartoons, sharing your enthusiam, being my Stefanie, spending time with me, going home with me after school, your fun birthday party, having sucha cuteeee sister, and then again, reading these attentively. :)
I love you too, Stefanie! Thanks alot for all the wonderful and enjoyable moments we had together and for being my friend.
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