Time : 8.42 pm
Amelia, Ah Kiam and I went studying together today! :)
We took the effort to dress up and took a trip down to Esplanade's library. All mountain turtles, never go before. Haha.
It was kinda small, it would work very well if you're taking arts though. Super artistic. Haha. *sheds my eyes* Too *huff* artistic *puff* for meeee..
Leaving my footsteps at the rocky cement ground!
The study session was rather successful for me. The enviorment was condusive and too too very cold and I did POA Paper. Worship me and call me God! I had yet to touch my POA revision, till today. Ms Tan must be really touched. :')
Oh ya, I have to mention something. Everyone has this stereotype thinking that skinny people are weak and we are definitely not in the line of physical hard work.
I even have proof!
My strong Amelia. (Make the effort to tilt her head, idiots. I am too lazy to tilt it for your reading pleasure. :D) The eleplant looks so scared some more. HAHAHA!
We took a break and went photo-whoring!
Mummy (frustrated): NEVER STUDY!! *piak* you ah!
*sigh* Studying's sucha bore..
Actually I'm just counting rabbits, trying to catch forty winks. *composes myself*
Just a glance at all the art works. I hope I am not going against any copyright rules here. :) I think the artist has a Gothong in his name. Impressive!
My favouite!
Pink Sadako?
People living in Huixian's Physics world.
We're floating~
It's a play, I guess. Kinda impressive, just by judging the artwork he displays. Catch it at the Esplanade.
Try reading it. (Save it and zoom for clearer vision.) What it depicts is a sad future Singapore.
Spidey man~ Spidey man~ Lalalala lalala~
Who is who? :) Amelia's world! HAHAHA.
Even in the hustle and bustle, hectic underpass towards Citylink, there are always idiots taking photos with the exhibits. :)
That's all, folks!
I need to give everyone a piece of my mind.
Do you ever get stuck in such a position when people always asks you for help, just because you know just like tinsy-winsy bit more than normal beings?
Ya, sure. It always pays to help. For me, I had been so delicious-helpful, but yet, nothing nice had come my way, yet.
Everyone has a gift for something. Some just has the gift of gab, they can talk very well and gives people advises which are useless in one way and another. So everyone asks and asks, enquires and enquires, inquires and inquires. One fine day, that person will flare up!
Some people only develops a gift when they tries very hard to learn it well, from scatch. They goes through everything and they becomes a genius! People gets hold of this information and bombard that saint person with questions and more questions, sufforcating that poor thing.
She/He has gone through all sorts of tutorials and trail and error to get to where she/he stands today. Just ask that person how many downfall she has gone through to attain nirvana (Okay. Maybe not that much. Haha.)
Why can't you just go through the same thing?
Why take the short cut?
There are no free food in this world, why add on to that said-person's troubles and problems just to get on easier for yourself?
BAH. Such people sucks.
P.S.: I hope I had put my point out rather clearly and understandable. I am not pointing fingers at anyone. :)
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
vendredi, octobre 21, 2005
Esplanade Escapade!
Publié par
10/21/2005 08:42:00 PM
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