Time : 10.56 pm
I went to create my own SouthPark charactor! *megawatt grin* (Okay, I know I am abit slow about this programme, nonetheless, if you're rewols than me, here's it!)
So adorable right?! Justlikeme!!
*After a while because the screwed up Hello! is messing with me; and the fact that I have to add my pictures manually is so infuriating!!*
Let me bore you (while Blogger's boring me) with my happenings today!
I went Bugis with my Mummy today to get what I've been yearning for ages! *gushes* I am not going to tell you just yet, untill my photos are ready! (The way I am saying it, it seemed almost as if I am at Kodak waiting for my photos to develop.)
Kenneth is not handsome today and I dragged my lazy bum to tuition. After that, I had pasta with Amelia and Weiyi at Tampines (Boy, Can you remember the last time you've been there?)!Fat Weiyi and me!
Self-obessed Amelia too!
We went to take neoprints as well! Ahh~ Good old times!
Can you believe it? Amelia and I (Weiyi was in school uniform, if you can't see above) went to Century's arcade and we played that.. tribeit drum set thing! *gags* It was soooo embarassing! Haha.
Alright, nice Mummy bought boots for me! *cheers* Like, FINALLY! Boots are just so hot. :)
It is tough self-protraiting your legs! ARGH!! Just take a look of all my NGs!
I finally got so pissed off that I sat down.
And the effects sucked.
Well, I soon gave up all hopes. And with the least morale, I placed it on my dear bed.
At least it seened decent and bright now!
I love my boots!
Get the same pair from URS Co. at $119.90 now! :)) I believe that if your mother's a UOB Card holder, you'd get 10% off! Quick quick quick~
Speaking of boots, let me shift your attention to the pronounciation of suede (To the guys and nuts: it's the material of my boots (above) and some other coats are also made of such material.)! Sue-de? Sue-the? Swee-di?
It's actually pronounced like suet! Like, you know, some part of pork or beef. Loosely pronounced, it's sweet, ending with a "d".
See! You just learnt something new from waiting4miracle.blogspot.com! :))
P.S.: Sorry for the sudden shifting of my photos. I was using Hello!, until something cropped up, you see.. And I had to change to another (slow) method of uploading my photos. Nonetheless, they still look good right! Enjoy, sweeties!
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
lundi, octobre 24, 2005
I am so bored that..
Publié par
10/24/2005 10:47:00 PM
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