Time : 9.24 pm
Today, I shall delicated one whole post to my dearest! No hurry, the others. You guys would have your own turn too. But missy here just need some time to adjust all my thoughts in a goal ya? You are free to link this particular post as your very own, since I am going to delicate it to you, my besty!
I shall do the very first part for Amelia! :D
Today, I shall delicated one whole post to my dearest! No hurry, the others. You guys would have your own turn too. But missy here just need some time to adjust all my thoughts in a goal ya? You are free to link this particular post as your very own, since I am going to delicate it to you, my besty!
I shall do the very first part for Amelia! :D

Well, my regular viewers should be largely aware of how much this woman here is being mentioned in my blog. Why? Because I can't live without her.
Mushy as I sound, I still must say out!

We are perhaps, the skinniest friends around in MJR Sec 4 cohot? Different types of skinniess, but still skinny. Lol. People are always, constantly, forever (ever ever, ever ever (continue for 5 more times just like how Kanye West did it!) telling (or rather, nagging *rolls my eyes*) that we are too thin and we need more food.

*laughs* Amelia is also.. rather.. dark! Haha. This is why she is always teased by her natural tan. Black black, xiao hei, hei hei, blacky, well.. anything associated to blackness, I suppose? She is also a victim of me! Haha.

I've known her the longest, after Joyce in our clique. Been classmates since Sec1E! And then we drifted apart, came together, drifted apart, came together (Sec 3 times) and still hanging on now. :)

Amelia is a hunk magnet! And I still loathe her for that. Haha. Loathe is too strong a word, I guess. I dislike Amelia for being a hunk magnet! Life is so unfair. *pouts* I wanna be like Amelia too!
Nah.. I shall leave all the guys-business for Amelia to decide upon her future. *gleeful grin*

Did I mention?
Amelia is rather.. weird at times too. Like the saying goes, who can understand girls? Haha.

My favourite bitching partner as well.. I can just tell her all the rumors and gossips I got hold of! I don't know why, it just came in naturely, when it comes to bitching. ;) I won't have died dumb, if not for Amelia to let me bitch arond!
I would have gone in further more, but I ran out of pictures! I don't know what happened but I swear upon my heart that Amelia and I had took neoprints together. But I am just unable to locate them in my computer. Sharks!
Nonetheless, I LOVE YOU AMELIA!
Thank you for always being there, bringing colours into my life, teaching me how to ogle at guys (-.-), fetching me to school as a daily school routine, being my shopping ka-key, tolerating my cold jokes, teaching me homework when I wasn't sure of the solutions, bitching with me, bringing Huixian, Stefanie into my life, lending me bread when I was broke, all the 2 cents' worth opinion of yours when I was stuck, making me laugh, being so super silly, being my Chemistry partner, sharing your coke with me, showing me when you're in your undies (Ha. I am soooo kidding!), all your wacky ideas, evaporating your fats to me and the people surrounding you, helping me improve my English (by simply talking to you!), sharing a similar iPod as I have, listening to my rantings, being my Amelia, reading attentively for whatever I had mentioned above and now. :)
Well.. that's about it!
Or so, I guess?
More to come, if something spurred on my suddenly. Next up, I'd be mentioning another good friend of mine! :)
Who knows, the next person may just be YOU! I can be very sweet and sincere at times, you know. Por me at this very moment! Heh heh. *sits down and shakes my leg*
Til then!
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