Time : 10.57 pm
At this moment, Amelia must be rejoicing for being the only outsider (as in, not my family or maid) to see me cry. *wince* Shall go into that later, just to make you excited all over. :)
School wasn't entire bad today. At least I get to reflect about what I did the past few days, since I had plenty of time to myself in class. BAH! Got to know my Prelims' English Oral results. My results were above my expectations! Seriously, I expect myself to do terribly because I had to retake for the calibration. Well.. *smiles* 14/20~ WOOHOO!
Nothing happened during lunch break. Yeah, nothing. Nice nice Amelia, Sweeyim and renowned Yangyang (Jiayang, I mean) waited for my remedials to end! :') I love you guys! We had MacDonald's for lunch and went down to Kenneth's for Chemistry tuition.
It. Was. Boring. Sweeyim: Although I do not really know what happened, or anything.. I just wanna say.. "Cheer up!" We are always by your side okay? *hugs* You're always be a brave girl!
Amelia and I had our usual Teatalk near Gabriel's estate and I loathe this session. We were eating and gossiping about anything/one under the moon, and a crowd (3 is a crowd, get it?) came to sit at the slide of the playground we were at.
I was kinda freaked out by their attires as 2 are monks, and you know.. The time of the lunar year..? I even sang This's the season to be jolly.. Tralalalalalalalala.. to lighten up our spirits' abit. But, no. The lady decided to rub into my wound.
She came to us, clunging stiftly to some white cloth-like material close to her breasts. She would be of her early 50s, I think. Just her face is enough to intimidate me. Her face was heavily covered by white foundation and she applied red lipstick. Look, imagine a woman in flowery clothes and with that kinda make up going up to you at night time!
I actually thought that, you know.. She was asking for donation and I even thought of how to reject her! But no. She spoke to us.
Eating your dinenr ah? Why are the both of you still out when it's already so late? Must be careful. You know what lunar month it is now right? Must go home early. In your school uniform, okay? Song ni yi zu hua, it's a blessing to be loved, but a tragedy to love.
And she looked deeply into both our eyes. The feeling was so penetrating! It's like, she could actually read our minds and see right through us. Her stare was so piercing. When she left us, even the stupid playground seemed menacing.
All I could tell Amelia was," She freaked me out." And I start bawling!
Haha. I don't know what to say now lah. People who know me well, will know perfectly well that i wouldn't shew a tear in front of my friends, no matter how hurt or pain I am. But I got so freaked out by that lady!! I mean, this is such a wrong time for her to say stuff like that.
My eyes were puffy and my nose kept running. Very ugly lah.. Lucky only Amelia is around. Haha.
Well.. Now I feel so much better already. Talking to lame Yangyang made me feel so much better. There's no one to talk to when i need to blabber!! MSN messager should be made available to all users, online or offline, so that I will have no worries about who to find.
I feel so useless. I just let a lady freaked me out like that.
Maybe it's all the emotional stress I'd been dealing with recently. With almost no one to confide or talk to in class, with an incident to settle, without doing any revision.. Yeah, I guess so.
I need a break. :) Any Kit-kat to spare?
Because I tweet more often than I blog.
jeudi, août 11, 2005
:'( Useless me.
Publié par
8/11/2005 10:54:00 PM
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