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    dimanche, septembre 04, 2005

    Guys in Blazer! *melts off*

    Time : 12.23 am

    Let me sing you guys a nursery rythme, of which I think you guys are familiar of.

    I now not very certain of its lyrics. Can someone please tell/correct me?!

    Two little black bird gingerbread men sat on the wall!

    One named Peter;

    One named Paul!

    Fly away Peter!

    Fly away Paul!

    Come back Peter!

    Come back Paul!

    How's that for someone w/o a second childhood? :)


    I love guys with blazers!

    Well, recently, there's more guys in blazers and they all looked fabulous! Most of them are dark, tanned Malays and they looked.. WOAH! I can just melt off like that.

    They usually carry the black blazer off with a graphic tee inside, kakhis or something of that sort and shoes alike Nike Dunk. Very charming.

    They really charm my socks off!


    I just wanna melt away...


    Amelia, the PI, found the Friendster accounts of the yandaos of NewUrbanMale and they are all..


    *burst out crying*

    If you guys happen to pop by here, please email me or add me in MSN! I really think you guys are sooo goodlooking. :D I am the girl who bothered you guys so much!


    Amelia and Huixian: Thank you. :) I will I will.

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