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    mardi, septembre 06, 2005

    LAO SHI LAO SHI (Teacher)!

    Time : 12.41 pm

    I have to post this! It's HI-LA-RI-OUS!

    Ms. Soon was trying to teach me how to solve this Chemistry TYS question and she sent me this (using the Paint! programme):

    Amazing, isn't she? (Huixian.. Stop swelling!) My online virtual (can be form on the screen! PHYSICS!) teacher!

    Being the Maths idiot that I am (and have always been), I struggled to solve with this equation.

    It looked like a Maths question and my answer turned out to be Maths-like too.

    Check it out:

    If Ms Tay and Mr Fahmy read my blog, they will vommit blood, take a parang each and stab their hearts twice, and pass away. Actually, it's not so bad right? This shows that I am gifted in Maths and Chemistryy (if they combine, that is)! *sheepish grin*

    Anyway! It's Chemistry lesson in my blog (and Huixian's!)!

    The SUTRA!


    For Chemistry TYS Topic 12.1 (Organic Chemistry) Essay Question 4b(i).

    P.S.: This answer applies for Qn 6a(i) too.

    By the way, Empirical formula means to reduce to the lowest term.


    I learnt so much from Huixian the Chemistry lao shi so much.


    Swimming with Lecia tomorrow! WHEE!

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